Thom-x/docker-fr24feed-piaware-dump1090 Sponsor Star261 Docker image of dump1090-fa, fr24feed, FlightAware, adsbexchange, Plane Finder, OpenskyNetwork,, ADSBHub and Radarbox. dockersdrrtl-sdrdump1090flightawareflightradar24piawareopensky-networkadsbexchangertl2832fr24radarboxadsbhubplanefinder...
This is set in the decoder, so readsb or dump1090-fa, if you used one of my scripts to install their readme will have further instructions on how to set the location. Change Log The commit log on the github page is the only form of change log. If you can't find the commit log...
带有dump1090的FR24feed和FlightAware作为Docker映像 请考虑关注该项目的作者 ,并考虑为该项目以显示您的 :red_heart: 和支持。 Fr24feed,FlightAware和dump1090的Docker映像。 输入FlightRadar24和FlightAware,可让您在地图上查看飞机的位置。 要求 码头工人 RTL-SDR DVBT USB加密狗(RTL2832) 入门 跑步: docker run...
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --privileged -e QUIET=1 --device /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb -p 30001-30005:30001-30005 --name dump1090 intrepidde/arm32v6-dump1090-fa:latestordump1090-fa: image: intrepidde/arm32v6-dump1090-fa:latest container_name: dump1090-fa ports: - 30001...
If your local map is not reachable at /dump1090-fa or /dump1090, you can edit the following the file to input the URL of your local map: /etc/collectd/collectd.conf Find this section: <Plugin python> ModulePath "/usr/share/graphs1090" LogTraces true Import "dump1090" <Module dump10...
/run/dump1090-fa tar1090 /run/combine1090 combo /run/skyaware978 978 /run/dump1090-fa webroot After saving that file, just run the install script and it will install/update all instances.Configuration for each instance will be separate, in the example the config files would be:...
将dump1090地图换为百度地图. Dump 1090 is a Mode S decoder specifically designed for RTLSDR devices. The main features are: Robust decoding of weak messages, with mode1090 many users observed improved range compared to other popular decoders. ...
Detached fork of Mictronics readsb and by extension dump1090-fa by mutability - adsb-related-code/readsb
Dump1090 is a simple Mode S decoder for RTLSDR devices - dump1090/mode_s.c at fa004fc38a52d7f425c93aa15cec61c88bed1030 · davidcreager/dump1090
(http://pi/tar1090 or http://pi/combo or http://pi/978 in this example)If you want the instance at http://pi/, use webroot as a name.The main instance needs to be included in this file.Example file:/run/dump1090-fa tar1090 /run/combine1090 combo /run/skyaware978 978 /run/...