Navigate to Server > Monitoring > Threads > Dump Thread Stacks WLST Make sure to export weblogic.jar in your PATH Invoke WebLogic.WLST : java weblogic.WLST connect("weblogic","weblogic","t3:weblogicinstaceaddress:port") threadDump() I hope above procedure helps you in taking thread dump in ...
一.概述 JVM的内存结构包括程序计数器(PC Register),虚拟机栈(JVM Stacks),堆内存(heap),方法区(Method Area),本地方法区(Native Method Stacks) 二.程序计数器定义:Program Counter Register 程序计数器(寄存器)作用:记录下一条JVM指令的内存地 es jvm 配置 xms 常量池 字符串 JVM 转载 编程思想者 11月...
in jvm.lib distributed in Weblogic 8.1. The code works fine with the call to JVM_DumpAllStacks commented out and a simple printf() call, but when I try to compile with JVM_DumpAllStacks uncommented I get a linkage problem as follows:C...