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In summary, "Abstract Algebra" by David Dummit and Richard Foote is a comprehensive textbook suitable for undergraduate students with a strong background in proofs and rigorous mathematics. It covers a wide range of topics in abstract algebra such as group theory, ring theory, modules, field ...
偶然翻到了北大的代数实验班的课程主页,真的吓人……一个学期讲完大半本Dummit and Foote,完全覆盖了群环域所有的本科高阶内容,还讲了点半单代数…作业多,占总成绩比例少;考试时间紧题量大,题还挺难,大概占比75%…同时还要写一篇小论文?即使是北大的学生,我觉得这样学下来也是非常辛苦的…如果一学期就一两门...
The quotient group (G/K) is the group whose elements are the fibers of φ with group operation defined above: namely if X is the fiber above a and Y is the fiber above b then the product of X with Y is defined to be the fiber above the product ab. Select the correct term...
什么是时间延迟?顾名思义,就是执行一条命令后延迟一段时间再进行下一条命令。 1、利用 ping 命令延时 例: @echo off echo 延时前! ping /n 3 >nul echo 延时后! pause 解说:用到了 ping 命令的“/n”参数,表示要发送多少次请求到指定的 ip。本例中要发送 3 ...
Abstract Algebra, 1991, David Steven Dummit, Richard M. Foote, 0130047716, 9780130047717, Prentice Hall, 1991The book carefully develops the theory of different algebraic structures, beginning from basic definitions to some in-depth results, using numerous examples and exercises throughout to aid the...
for /L %%i in (1 1 38) do set /p a=■<nul&ping /n 1>nul echo 100%% echo └──────────────────────────────────────┘ pause 解说:“set /p a=■<nul”的意思是:只显示提示信息“■”且不换行,也不需手工输入任何 ...
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