camps and let their own rot as slaves and now use the very same rotting BS to create the Holocaust religion while they bilk money out of us all as goy humans all around the world and their commie partners the CCP and Russia’s Jewish elites that still control the international money ...
His main argument seems to be that the prequels are the movies that Lucas wanted to be able to make, but didn’t have enough moneyfor,when he made the original trilogy. He was able to do a lot visually that he couldn’t do before, and in so doing the movies are more fun and int...
I'm hoping this refers to a past New Year's Eve, and not an upcoming one. [foo] Online Inc) [Label IP Address] Virginia, Reston, United States,0 returning visit Is there really that much to know? Really? And for those men who get off on this -- just googl...
Sometimes they charge money for it. In any case, when a programmer bundles a bunch of code like this for other people to use, it’s called a library. You can think of a library as a black box. You know what it does and how to use it, but you have no idea how it works inside...
I have NO idea why you MAKE money from going on dates. I don't think the game even tries to explain that one. 1. It’s about EFFICIENT moves, not FAST moves. Larger matches score WAY more than smaller ones. A match×4 is worth double what a match 3 is worth, and a match×5 ...
why don’t you make your own movie/anime/video game to see if you can do it better?” also something else I need to make clear is that music is a form of art and the most if not all forms of art can make you stupid(for example artists actually believe that minimalism is a great...