stupid idiotic ridiculous absurd ludicrous pathetic silly guy dot art text art ascii art Your votes help make thispage better. With great power comesgreat responsibility! ༼;´༎ຶ ຶ༽ᶠᶸᶜᵏᵧₒᵤ! cute dumb functional magneticresonance imaging ∧,,,∧ ( ...
Craig Gillespie has thankfully toned the needle drops, it still borders on excessive but stops just before getting there. Elsewhere, the Fincher vibes are strong in pretty much every aspect, especially Will Bates' score which is so clearly trying to be Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross but consider...
Russell Horwitz, a former top Goldman partner who left for Ken Griffin’s hedge fund Citadel in 2020, returned to Goldman this week as the firm’s chief of staff – and some bankers are celebrating because of Horwitz’s rep for being an all-around nice guy. / Work &...
i was expected to marry some guy, have kids, and be a socialite. that’s just not something that ever interested me. i always strived to be independent and on my own. i think everything i went through when i was younger made me that way. and even though it was so painful and ...
Getting killed and reloading is gameplay, but it’s not part of the narrative (YMMV on this one, maybe you like to pretend you’re playing as a completely normal guy who has the power of resurrection and time travel). The point is, when they use the term “ludonarrative dissonance” ...
There’s nothing like a glass of refreshing milk to keep you healthy and keep your bones strong. We bet this guy thinks it’s actually so healthy that it’s incredibly inspiring and keeps you going. No matter what you do, the milk is there for you!
I think you can also get a couple of reactions from Guybrush in the old monkey island games if you try to ‘pick up’ some of the NPCs. I could swear there was at least an ‘I’m not comfortable with that’ or two hidden in there – I spent a bit of time trying it out on ...
"A car wash can be dangerous if you're a dumbass."By Johnny Lieu on March 26, 2017 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Flipboard Australia is known for freaky accidents, usually involving the country's dangerous wildlife. But is that reputation a little unfair? Take the guy who...