I’ve gone through highs and lows and learned a great deal about myself in the process. I still return to these stories when crinkly paper or jingling teethers lose her attention. The stories still don’t help her, but theydokind of help me, so I’m writing them down, mostly so I ...
Which is why most humans have to use “reinforcement” methods that boil down to a form of “muscle memory” by physical action or “visual memory” association. Which is the former case is how we remember tunes, songs, and the latter poems / sayings / mantras, all of which suffer from...
They deprecated a huge amount of the old stuff to cut the API down to size, this then carried onto later versions. Trouble was, hardware still allowed for older version 1 and 2 stuff so people who didn’t know better didn’t move up onto the newer versions. I’ve been programming ...