ONE of the 13 victims of Bloody Sunday was holding a white hanky when he was shot, possibly with a dum-dum bullet, the Bloody Sunday Inquiry was told yesterday. SUNDAY GUN VICTIM 'HAD WHITE HANKY' He said: "Dum-dum bullets, which expand in the wound and create appalling injuries, are...
摘要: T HE dum-dum charges on both sides take us back to the days of the Spanish war, when the same accusations were made. As a matter of fact, Spanish 7-millimeter cartridges could be produced with the point of the bullet sawed criss-cross with a hacksaw, but at that we doubt its...
but it is the bullet from a gun that kills. And get this straight: when a gun kills 20 little kids, it matters not whether the slugs come from a sig sauer, a glock, a .22. or a Saturday night special
I repeat: It is not true that psychotropic drugs treat illness, not the way antibiotics treat infectious diseases. An antipsychotic or antidepressant drug is NOT a silver bullet specifically targeted at a pathological culprit. These drugs are prescribed to alleviate symptoms, to alleviate, for instan...