Keys N Krates - Dum Dee Dum
酷狗音乐为您提供由Keys N Krates演唱的高清音质无损Dum Dee Dummp3在线听,听Dum Dee Dum,只来酷狗音乐!
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Dum dum dee dum Dum dum dee dum My baby used to treat me good She loved me just the way she should Now she's growing colder And when I try to hold her She starts to hum dum dum dee dum Sometimes she stays away a week Won't listen when I try to speak I tell her how I miss...
Dum, dum, deedle dee, dum dum Come on now happy song, happy song now On a cold rainy, windy night She shut all the doors, she cut off the lights She holds me and squeezes me tight She tells me Big O everything's all right And I go, dum, dum, deedle dee, dum dum Play it...
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