Northern News Now is your go-to source for breaking news in Duluth, the Iron Range, Northwest Wisconsin, and the U.P. of Michigan. We officer the latest news headlines, weather, and sports.
Good Samaritan helps driver escape I-35 car fire The car went up in flames on the shoulder of the interstate. Twin Ports ‘They’re very entrepreneurial groups:’ Immigration and Northeast Minnesota’s economy News 9-year-old Duluth boy given ‘Life Saver Award’ after performing Heimlich on ...
Duluth, MN (KROC-AM News) - Authorities in Duluth are reporting a fatal fire. A news release issued by theDuluth Fire Departmentsays firefighters responded to an apartment building after receiving a report of afirearound 2:30 AM. The first firefighters to arrive at the scene did not spot an...
Today’s Forecast Duluth, MN Sunday, February 23rd 33° Partly Cloudy 38°/37° view forecast B105 Daily Deal B105 Daily Deal $25 Gift Certificate to Boomtown Woodfire Grill-Duluth Buy This Deal Now Small Business Solutions Small Business Solutions ...
St. Luke’s and Essentia encourage residents to reach out to their city councilor to let them know they support the proposed mask mandate: to 25 common COVID-19 vaccine questions Vaccinations for COVID-19 began being administered in the U.S. on Dec. 14,...
Today’s Forecast Duluth, MN Saturday, February 22nd 24° Cloudy 37°/20° view forecast KOOL 101.7 Daily Deal KOOL 101.7 Daily Deal $25 Gift Certificate to Boomtown Woodfire Grill-Duluth Buy This Deal Now Small Business Solutions Small Business Solutions ...
Today’s Forecast Duluth, MN Friday, February 28th 10° Partly Cloudy --/6° view forecast B105 Daily Deal B105 Daily Deal $20 Gift Certificate to Wabegon Bar & Grill Buy This Deal Now Small Business Solutions Small Business Solutions Devote more time to running your business. Engage your...
Chicago Fire In November of 2019,major NBC show "Chicago Fire" gave Duluth a little lovewith a shout-out in the hit series. In the episode, the brief mention was in reference to where a suspects phone was pinged last. While the mention was short and sweet, it doesn't take away from...
June 14th & 15th 10:00 am to 7:00 pm Twig, MN (15 minutes North-West of Duluth)Created using the Historic Tale Construction Kit Posted by Bad Cat! at 05:36 PM | Permalink | 8 comments, last by Bad Cat! Filed under Current Events | Duluth Scene | Geeky | Promotion Artist...
Virginia, MN's water tower has "Queen City" painted right on it. The nickname comes from the prosperous early beginnings and progressiveness of the Iron Range town. Mountain Iron The Taconite Capitol Of The World google maps Mountain Iron "The Taconite Capitol Of The World" ...