Duke University has one required essay and one optional essay, where you can choose to respond to two of several prompts. It is important to write strong essays for your application to Duke because it is a highly competitive school. For more information, read this comprehensive guide on how ...
在整体写好以后,一定要给senior的人看一下,看看他们捕捉到的内容和主题是否与你所想一致。 Second Required Essay: The Fuqua community and you Instructions: Fuqua prides itself on cultivating a culture of engagement. Our students enjoy a wide range of student-led organizations that provide opportunities ...
我去年申请Duke的成功的Why Essay semi-finalist to Robertson Scholarship I was listening with rapt attention to the girl sitting in the front of the classroomas she talked animatedly about her work with the local homeless population. Atthe club meeting of the Coalition for the Homeles, she descr...
The Why Duke essay is a key part of your Duke application since it lets the school know why you want to go to Duke, what you want to get out of your time there, and how Duke will prepare you for the future.In 250 words or less, you need to explain why Duke is the school you ...
What should you avoid when writing a supplemental essay for college admission? The sample presented here illustrates many of the common mistakes made by applicants. Supplemental Essays Need to Be Specific Many supplemental essays ask, "Why our school?" If your response could work for more than on...
今天行臻留学为你分享的洞察关于Essay的写作。 就在今天,杜克大学公布了24秋MBA申请的Deadline,根据过往经验,硕士项目的Deadline,也会颇为类似。筒靴们可以参考一下: 他家的提前轮次,在9月7日,也不是一般的早。提前轮的结果10月19日出,这个时间,基本就是其他商学院的第一轮DDL左右。没错,如果我们准备得早,...
The second part of the prompt asks you to consider what you can bring to the school. Just as you would for any other “Why This College?” essay, highlight ways your interests and experiences align with resources and offerings at the university. Your contribution to the campus community can...
DukeEngage是杜克的另一个王牌项目,也是很多人Why Essay里面必提的一项。每年杜克会包吃包住包机票的把...
3. 另有一点我觉得中介说的对,CV比Essay重要。在CV上我花的时间是Essay的不知道多少倍。在我没完没...
Short-term goal 和 long-term goal 幾乎是每間商學院都會問的基本題目,但是 Fuqua 只問 short-term goal,字數限制為100字;其實如同 Columbia Business School 的 short answer question,現在很多學校都在意申請者畢業後的職涯規劃,這樣的學校也比較實際(相對於 Stanford, Harvard 的 essay 題目就比較浪漫、遠大),所...