STILL ALIVE: No. 4-seed Duke men's basketball out-muscles Houston, advances to Elite 8 'So good for us': Young emerges as Duke's unlikely — and invaluable — hero in Sweet 16 upset of Houston TEXIT: No. 4-seed Duke...
Smith played college basketball for the Tar Heels (1983-87). In 1987, he went on to play in the NBA. He competed for the Kings, Hawks, Rockets, Pistons, Magic and Nuggets over the span of 10 seasons. He won back-to-back NBA championships with Houston (1994, 1995). After retirement ...
Duke Still No. 1; Houston Cracks Top 25JIM O'CONNELL, AP Basketball Writer
While Duke and Temple have met up 22 times on the basketball court, the Independence Bowl will be their first-ever meeting on the gridiron. The Duke offense has been a solid mix of pass an run to get to its seven win total. The defense has performed well against the...