Professor Kimbrough specializes in the fields of macroeconomics and international economics. His latest research explores the revenue maximizing inflation rate, optimal taxes and tariffs in the presence of private information, the welfare costs of inflation, and interest rate rules and uniqueness in the ...
Master of Arts in Economics(MA Econ) ,即经济学硕士,是开在杜克大学graduate school的社会科学(so...
先说结论:杜克大学(Duke University)是一所位于美国北卡罗来纳州的私立研究型大学,成立于1838年。杜克...
杜克的MA in Economics(MAE) 是个1.5-2年制的STEM项目。该项目毕业生擅长应用研究和金融分析,在金融行业就业市场上具有很强的竞争力,也为攻读顶级PhD学位做好了准备。项目计划在四个学期内完成,包括30个学分的经济学及相关领域课程,其中经济学至少15个学分(5门课程),微观经济学和宏观经济学3门课程(9个学分),3...
including environmental economics in conjunction with the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, finance and regulation through the Fuqua School of Business, law and economics through the School of Law, public policy through the Sanford Institute of Public Policy, and statistics through...
1.学姐您好。请问你为什么选择JHU AE这个项目呢?学姐:我本科是读经济学的,因为很喜欢这个专业,所以...
值得注意的是,杜克的economics在trinity college而不在business学院,申请的program也是不同的。相对于...
PART01 Accounting, Economics, and Finance 这部分课程专注于传统商科知识,如会计、金融等,不仅为转专业进入商科的同学打下了很好的基础,而且已在本科钻研过某一领域的同学(如金融),可以把会计、经济等知识融会贯通起来,形成更大的market view。 Fundamentals of Business Economics的内容会包括供需分析、博弈论、价格...
Duke University, MA in Economics(US.News综排9,专排16) University of Michigan--Ann Arbor, Masters of Applied Economics(US.News综排27,专排12) Boston University, MA in Economics(US.News 综排38,专排23) University of Wisconsin--Madison, MS in Economics (US.News综排49,专排12) ...
杜克大学PhD in Economics经济学博士 密歇根大学MS in Genetic Counseling生命科学教育学基础医学硕士Department of Human Genetics 密歇根大学PhD in Music Theory艺术学音乐与舞蹈博士Department of Music Theory 杜克大学和密歇根大学简介 杜克大学 杜克大学(Duke University)是一所位于美国北卡罗莱那州达勒姆(Durham, NC)...