一、 文理学院(College of Arts & Sciences) 二、 工程学院(Pratt School of Engineering) 三、 环境学院(School of Environment) 四、 公共政策学院(School of Public Policy) 五、 神学院(Divinity School) 六、 医学院(School of Medicine) 七、 商学院(Fuqua School of Management) 八、 法学院(Law schoo...
Duke University School of Medicine is an educational institution focused on the medical sector. It offers educational programs including health professions education, biomedical PhD programs, and continuing medical education, as well as conducting basic science research and clinical and translational research...
杜克大学(Duke University)是一所位于美国北卡罗来纳州小城达勒姆的著名私立研究型大学。虽然目前的学校创建于1924年,但杜克大学的历史实际上可以追溯至1859年时在今日现址创立的三一学院(Trinity College)或更早的布朗学校(Brown's Schoolhouse,于1838年时创立于同州的兰道夫县(Randolph County, NC))。杜克大学是在...
Duke University, situated in Durham, North Carolina, is renowned for its academic distinction, vibrant campus life, and strong sense of community. As one of the most prestigious universities in the United States, Duke attracts a significant number of applicants every year, resulting in a highly c...
●三一文理学院(Trinity College of Arts and Sciences):合并于1972年 ●神学院(Divinity School):1926年成立 ●研究生学院(Graduate School):1926年成立 ●医学院(School of Medicine):1930年成立 ●护理学院(School of Nursing):1931年成立 ●法学院(Law School):1904年成立,1930年进行了重组 ...
杜克大学 (Duke University),简称为Blue Devil,创建于1838年,坐落于美国北卡罗莱那州的达勒姆,是一所世界顶级的研究型大学,且为美国南部最好的私立大学,长期排名美国前十,并于2002年至2007年期间一度排名前5。(最新的USNEWS排名杜克大学位列全美第 9 位...
杜克大学(Duke University)是一所世界著名的私立研究型大学,被公认为世界一流的高等教育机构之一,位于美国北卡罗莱那州达勒姆市。无论是科研实力还是学术水平等各方面都能与常春藤名校相抗衡。杜克大学校园占地8709英亩,这还没有包括8,470英亩的杜克森林。整个校园分成四大部分:西校区(West Campus)、东校区(East Campus...
Duke University School of Medicine stands at the forefront of medical excellence and research, solidifying Duke's reputation as a leading institution in healthcare innovation. With a rich history and a commitment to advancing medical knowledge, Duke's medical programs and research initiatives have made...
List of famous alumni from Duke University School of Medicine, with photos when available. Prominent graduates from Duke University School of Medicine include ...
Duke-NUS Medical School是新加坡的一所知名医学院,提供MD(Doctor of Medicine)和MD-PhD(Doctor of ...