一、杜克大学基本情况 杜克大学(Duke University),简称“Duke”或“杜克”,创建于1838年,由卫理公会和贵格会于 1838 年在现在的三一市创建,并于 1892 年迁至达勒姆。学校坐落于美国北卡罗来纳州的达勒姆,是一所私立综合研究型大学。2021-2022年度,杜克大学名列U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第9位,在美国南部居...
杜克大学 Duke University 先通过学校的官方视频感受一下学生们的生活: 杜克大学(Duke University)坐落于北卡罗来纳州的达勒姆(Durham),历史可追溯至1838年。1924年,为感谢美国烟草和电力巨头杜克家族的慷慨捐赠,学校更名为杜克大学。作为美国南部最好的大学之一,杜克大学享有“南方哈佛”的美誉。过去10年间,杜克排名始...
基本情况 杜克管理学硕士项目(Master of Management Studies)是美国杜克大学(Duke University)福库商学院(Fuqua School of Business)开设的硕士项目,项目时长 10 个月。 MMS 项目专为没有或者很少工作经验的申请者而设, 注重讲授商业知识和商科技巧,内容丰富,包括金融、统计、管理、会计、市场营销等多方面。形式方面,...
接下来让我们看看学校提供的Class Profile: 另外一个十分适合不是商科专业的大家申请的美国管理学项目便是University of Virginia的MS in Commerce。 二、弗吉尼亚大学 - MS in Commerce Master in Commerce又称为 a premier master’s in management program,为什么说他适合非商科专业的申请者呢,因为这个项目仅接受本...
is offered to students at both Duke University and the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. It provides about 18 students from each class with a four-year scholarship and the opportunity for unique academic and extracurricular opportunities at both universities. Notable alumni include Melinda Gat...
🎓Duke university杜克大学的MMS(Master of Management Studies)项目是一个针对不同本科背景的(工作经验不满两年)本科毕业生设计的商业管理硕士项目。该项目的目标是培养学生在商业管理领域的综合能力,提供他们所需的工具和知识,以在商业环境中取得成功。
See reviews and ratings of this school from students, alumni, staff and others. These reviews are not written by U.S. News and have no impact on any of the Best Colleges rankings. Read anexplanation of user ratings. Read More Undergraduate data are based on the 2023 school year....
Profile Duke Chapel, a frequent icon for the university, can seat nearly 1,600 people and contains a 5,200-pipe organ Duke's student body consists of 6,340 undergraduates and 7,117 graduate and professional students (as of Fall 2008). The undergraduate student body, of whom 40% are membe...
关于class profile没有表述清楚,具体可以看:https://www.fuqua.duke.edu/programs/mqm-business-analytics/class-profile 中国学生里,一半多是美本(UCLA, UCB,USC,Emory, BC,UNC, Wake Forest, BU, NYU等),少部分加拿大本,英本和澳国立。大陆同学97%左右都是陆本985和知名211,剩下的来自于宁波诺丁汉等中外合办...
CLASS SIZE427 Women51% 80% GMAT RANGE660 - 760 80% GPA Range3.17 - 3.89 The Fuqua School of Business in Durham, North Carolina is the business school of Duke University. Fuqua is noted for its strong healthcare education, and the emphasis it places on teamwork among its MBA students. Al...