研究生的时候,我选择了来到北卡,北卡有三所着名的学校,分别是UNC(教堂山大学),NC State(北卡州立大学)和Duke University(杜克大学)。 杜克大学在北卡罗莱纳州的一个叫做Durham的小镇上,很多人熟悉北卡的大学主要是因为美国高校篮球文化,尤其是杜克和教堂山这两大“冤大头“,每年都在为NBA输送着优秀的球员和争抢...
Methods Data source The Duke Lemur Center is situated on 80 acres in Duke Forest, Durham NC. Individual animal records have been kept by DLC staff for a total of 4,189 primates owned by the DLC and/or housed at the DLC. Many of the diurnal animals are housed in semi-free-ranging out...
We have generated a life history table that provides species data and summary statistics for variables relating to adult, young-adult, and neonatal body mass, birth and breeding season, litter size, age at reproduction, longevity, infant mortality, activity pattern, and numbers of live individuals ...