Thermostats make it easy and convenient to manage your home’s energy use. And by signing up with Duke Energy Progress’ EnergyWise Home option, you’ll receive additional rewards. By enrolling your thermostat, you agree to let Duke Energy make brief, small adjustments to your thermostat setting...
Permenter, Kate
stake in generating unitsDuke Energy Progress has submitted documents to FERC seeking approval of a $1.2 billion deal to buy North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency's minority ownership interests in three nuclear units and two coal units totaling 695 MW, the Duke Energy subsidiary said October...
Duke Energy Progress, Inc.; Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2
Great firm although I only worked here as a contractor the environment was excellent. They still have growing pains from the purchase of Progress Energy buy they are addressing these issues. I believe all Utilities face challenges in the future from Regulatory pressure and the eventual ability for...
My department during Progress Energy was amazing. A place of growth and opportunity. As the company grew, the work became more intense and harder to get all the work done in the time it was required. Great place for learning and growing but is intense most of the time. But I loved it...
destruction of outer cell wall structure, and the decrease of fiber filaments [1,2]. The development of this CI reduces consumer acceptance of the fruit, thus limiting its storage life. And it has been confirmed that cold stress accelerated the energy consumption, membrane lipid peroxidation and...
Duke Energy Reported to Buy Progress Energyduke energy
Duke Energy And ProgressProgress Energy
Duke and Progress were able to reach a settlement with the Environmental Defense Fund, the South Carolina Coastal Conservation League and the nSouthern Alliance for Clean Energy before the hearing, the Southern Environmental Law Center said in Dec. 12 news release. Direct testimony and exhibits n...