Duke University located in the Research Triangle of Durham, North Carolina traces its roots to 1838 when it was founded by Quakers and Methodists in Trinity, NC. Duke has more than 13,000 undergraduate and graduate students and professional degree students enrolled in its private university. Duke...
The Latinx Guide to Graduate Schoolby Genevieve Negrón Gonzales and Magdalena L. Barrera was given a Silver Medal by the International Latino Book Awards for the Best College-Level Academic Themed Book in English. Silicon Valley Imperialism: Techno Fantasies and Frictions in Postsocialist Timesby Eri...
Application Location:Asia AppliedtoDuke / Fuqua Received viaportal GPA:3.95 GRE:323 Application Location:United States AppliedtoDuke / Fuqua Received vian/a GPA:3.5 GRE:332 Application Location:Florida AcceptedtoDuke / Fuqua Received viaphoneonDecember 11, 2024 ...
A greater course load may be possible on rare occasions with the approval of your Academic Dean or the appropriate Director of Graduate Studies. Visiting students must obtain approval from the director of the Summer Session. If a course must be cancelled due to lowenrollment, this decision is m...