Have you been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol in Georgia? DUIs carry harsh penalties, even for a first-time offense. Do not hesitate to contact an experiencedAtlanta DUI lawyerat Yeargan & Kert, LLC for immediate legal assistance. A strong defense can...
When you get a DUI, you’re not just vulnerable to administrative and criminal penalties. There will also becollateral consequencesthe second time you get a DUI in Georgia. Collateral consequences exist because you’ve been convicted of a crime. These are civil and social penalties that can aff...
Understanding First-Time DUI Penalties in Georgia A first DUI conviction in Georgia carries significant consequences that can bring stress and pain to many areas of your life. Penalties for a first DUI conviction include: Court fines ranging from $300 to $1,000 Additional court costs and surchar...
DUI penalties in Georgia A Georgia DUI conviction may result inmultiple penalties, which increase in severity with each subsequent infraction. Below is a breakdown of how DUI penalties increase with additional infractions. First DUI conviction: ...
DUI penalties in Georgiaare among the nation’s most punitive. A conviction onanyDUI in GA brings: (1) mandatory 1 year probation (minus any days in jail), (2) fines and surcharges that can exceed $2000, (3) a requirement to complete DUI school (to get driving privileges restored). ...
Those Georgia drinking and driving laws will be reviewed due to themandatory punishments and DUI consequencesGeorgia’s legislators have enacted. DUI penalties in Georgia have multiple immutable punishments that a judge cannot “excuse” or waive. ...
Need the best Atlanta DUI lawyer? George C Creal Jr PC Trial Lawyer's expert DUI attorneys handle cases across Georgia. Contact the Real Deal DUI lawyers today!
In Georgia,child endangermentand DUI are charged separately. However, both DUI and child endangerment charges are extremely serious allegations. If convicted, you may face severe penalties. Even though DUI and child endangerment charges will be tried separately, the penalties for each crime may be...
Below is a table of state-by-state DUI/DWI laws that shows a number of the penalties a first-time offender will be facing in each state. If you are a repeat offender or a first-time offender, just click on the state name below to be taken to that state’s DUI/DWI law page for ...
You probably have many questions about the penalties for a DUI in Georgia, the court process, and possible defenses you may have in your case. You may also have concerns about your driver’s license and driving ability. As previously stated, substantial changes in Georgia’s DUI law took eff...