driving privileges and ensure that your case is thoroughly reviewed to provide you with the best DUI defense possible. The Law Office of Julie Fowler, PC, LLO provides knowledgeable, aggressive, and informed advice for your DUI/OWI defense. As the best DUI/OWI defense lawyer in Omaha, I can...
Omaha Nebraska Defense Attorney that specializes in DUI cases as well as other legal services. I have several years of experience being a county prosecutor and now work in the private market. Contact me at 402-598-5051. Nebraska DWI Law: Nebraska vehicl
Omaha, NE 68102 Phone: (402) 455-1711 Fax: (402) 408-6576 Omaha DUI Lawyer In Omaha there are two ways to be convicted of driving drunk. The first type is related to the condition the driver is in when they are stopped, in terms of mental and physical impairment caused by alcohol ...