sound and creative legal expertise to achieve the best results possible for your case.We have years of experience successfully defending thousands of clients in Colorado Springs from aggressive prosecutors.
I have been arrested for a DUI for the 3rd time now, what penalties am I facing? answered byLaw Office of John M. Cromwell View Profile I am in the military and have been arrested for a DUI, should I hire an attorney? answered byFederal Practice Group ...
Arrested for DUI in Colorado? Call the experienced DUI attorneys at Orr Law Firm for a FREE consultation. Our law firm in Denver, CO, has handled thousands of DUI cases.
If a person is charged with DUID, or driving under the influence of drugs, they may receive similar penalties to those found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol, but DUID cases are harder to prove in a court of law. When a police officer charges a person with driving under...
Arrested forDriving Under A DUI Restraint In Colorado? There are penalties. Arrested forDomestic Violence?♦First Time Offender Domestic Violence Charge Colorado♦Domestic Violence Colorado Jail Time♦How To Get Domestic Violence Charges Dropped In Colorado♦Colorado Domestic Violence Jail Times ...
no expunction or record restriction is permitted for a DUI offense.According to the NHTSA, between 2020 and 2021, there was a 14% increase in traffic fatalities where at least one party was driving under the influence. This has led to more serious penalties and a harsher attitude taken toward...