Choosing DUI and DWI Attorneys . Attorney reviews and information. Learn what DUI and DWI Attorneys do and how they can help you.
Attorney George Creal Arguing before the Georgia Supreme Court Minimum Penalties for Each Level of Misdemeanor DUI Charge in Georgia: Penaltiesvary based on your number of previous DUI convictions within the last 10 years, whether you refused BAC testing, and your age, in addition to other complic...
Dallas Traffic Ticket Attorney You have the right to contest your traffic tickets! Many people think their only option is too pay the fine and let the ticket appear on their driving record. But the majority of tickets can be handled so that they do not appear on the person’s driving reco...
How much will it cost for me to consult with an attorney? Can I represent myself for a misdemeanor? If I’m eligible for probation, does that mean that I will get probation? If I choose not to accept a plea bargain and I don’t want to take my chances with the Judge sentencing me...
If you are in need of a Dallas DWI/DUI attorney please contact our Texas drunk driving defense law firm. We handle DWI/DUI cases throughout, Dallas, Arlington, Fort Worth, the Metroplex area, and all of Texas. We provide effective, aggressive, and dedica
Dallas defense attorney Rick Cohen fights to win your case and keep your criminal record clean, including non-disclosures and expunctions. DWI, DUI, Drugs.
Kenneth Padowitz retains superior qualifications which can not and will not be delegated on important matters. Ken Padowitz has intentionally limited the size of his firm so that less qualified and less experienced attorney’s will never attempt to duplicate skills that can not be duplicated. From...