在新作【Endlessly】中,Duffy希望藉由The Roots那份自发性的音乐伴奏活力,取代时下过於仰赖先进科技录音器材的机械化听觉,同时也力求为自己的怀旧灵魂唱腔创造出更多样化的歌唱空间,因此,专辑里不仅有不插电风格,也有中快板复古流行乐、流行舞曲,当然也有媲美“Mercy”、“Warwick Avenue”震撼人心的弦乐与铜管乐烘托。
Mercy by Duffy Chords and Melody Sections: Chorus ▢▢ . Chorus Open In Hookpad Cancel Play Piano YouTube (Creating) Rewind C maj Key Guides 1234567CDEFGAB notes and lyricsChord And Melody Metrics For Mercy Learn more about these metricsChord Complexity 76 Melodic Complexity 87 Chord-...
乐多样风情,凭借处女专辑获得全球超过650万张亮眼销售,横扫欧洲各国排行榜冠军,抱回3座全英音乐奖,1座格莱美“最佳流行演唱专辑奖”白人复古灵魂乐女伶,新作力邀美国流行音乐教父Albert Hammond联手制作,传媒公认嘻哈界最佳现场演出乐团The Roots献艺伴奏,闪动复古放克神采首支单曲“Well Well Well”创造YouTube近150万...
Duffy, known for her ’60s-inflected hits Mercy and Warwick Avenue, will join previously announced headliner 50 Cent at the one-day music festival, which will take place at Meydan on October 19. The performance is something of a comeback for the singer, who in February last year announced ...
“Mercy” is Duffy’s first full single, after the limited new year release of “Rockferry,” and follows massive media excitement around the 23-year-old, born Aimee Duffy. She begins a U.K. tour tomorrow and releases her debut album, also titled “Rockferry” and produced by Bernard ...
而贝尔纳德在监制大碟期间,为了让Duffy更加投入歌曲的情绪中,事前不断与Duffy重唱歌曲的歌词,该片段早前更被网友放上YouTube。《Rockferry》的歌曲充满自传色彩,《Mercy》及《Stepping Stone》便有如她的个人写照,后者更是她未敢向心上人表白的感受。因为骚灵音乐在韦尔斯不太流行,生于单亲家庭,自幼与妈妈及双胞胎姐...