It is fairly easy to use no matter whether you are a terminal guru or just a beginner not comfortable with the terminal. It is certainly easier to understand than thedf command for checking disk space utilization. Let me highlight some of the key features and its usage before you get it ...
Cross-platform support: Duf is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. This cross-platform support allows users to utilize Duf on different machines and environments. Command-line efficiency: Duf is a command-line tool, providing a simple and efficient interfac...
You can simply start duf without any command-line arguments: duf If you supply arguments, duf will only list specific devices & mount points: duf /home /some/file If you want to list everything (including pseudo, duplicate, inaccessible file systems): duf --all Filtering You can show...
You can simply start duf without any command-line arguments: duf If you supply arguments, duf will only list specific devices & mount points: duf /home /some/file If you want to list everything (including pseudo, duplicate, inaccessible file systems): ...
alpine/git A simple git container running in alpine li… 188 [OK] yobasystems/alpine-mariadb MariaDB running on Alpine Linux [docker] [am… 94 [OK] alpine/socat Run socat command in alpine container 73 [OK] davidcaste/alpine-tomcat Apache Tomcat 7/8 using Oracle Java 7/8 with… 44 ...
在支持 64 位程序的 Linux 系统上,缺省为 -m64 -xarch=sse2。 3.4.55 –moddir= path 指定编译器将编译的 .mod MODULE 文件写入的位置。 编译器会将它编译的 .mod MODULE 信息文件写入由 path 指定的目录。也可以使用 MODDIR 环境变量指定目录路径。如果同时使用这两种方法指定了目录路径,则此选项标志...
Void Linux: xbps-install -S duf Packages in Alpine, Debian & RPM formats BSD FreeBSD: pkg install duf OpenBSD: pkg_add duf macOS with Homebrew: brew install duf with MacPorts: sudo port selfupdate && sudo port install duf Windows with Chocolatey: choco install duf with scoop: scoop instal...
Void Linux:xbps-install -S duf Gentoo Linux:emerge sys-fs/duf Packagesin Alpine, Debian & RPM formats BSD FreeBSD:pkg install duf OpenBSD:pkg_add duf macOS withHomebrew:brew install duf withMacPorts:sudo port selfupdate && sudo port install duf ...
Monitoring disk usage on Linux is easier than ever, thanks to the duf command. While other CLI tools like du and df are there, too, and they get the job done, but duf's ease of use and comprehensible data representation simplifies the process significantly. Not to mention, it gives you ...
Void Linux:xbps-install -S duf Gentoo Linux:emerge sys-fs/duf Packagesin Alpine, Debian & RPM formats BSD FreeBSD:pkg install duf OpenBSD:pkg_add duf macOS withHomebrew:brew install duf withMacPorts:sudo port selfupdate && sudo port install duf ...