网络缴纳会费的 网络释义 1. 缴纳会费的 英语学习 ... 9.staunchly: 坚定地。 10.dues-paying:缴纳会费的。 12.bite the bullet: 勇敢地行动。 ...|基于 1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,缴纳会费的
Dues-paying definition: gaining experience, especially by hard and often unpleasant or uncongenial work. See examples of DUES-PAYING used in a sentence.
staff-at-largepayingstaff uniondues. 在1990 年代,联合国行政管理层和联检组的一些检查专员举行过一些会 议,正如在会上所表示的那样,在联合国总部只有 15%的工作人员参加了工作人 员委员会的选举,广大工作人员中只有 45%的人缴纳工会会费。
'Paying her dues'这一短语,通常用于描述某人已经为其行为或过往付出了应有的代价,正在接近某个过程的结束,特别是当涉及到法律责任或道德责任时。以下是对这一短语的详细解释: 含义解释 'Paying her dues'直译为“支付她的应付款”或“承担她的责任”,但在实际语境中,它更多地被用来...
Saunders, Dusty
Define paying dues. paying dues synonyms, paying dues pronunciation, paying dues translation, English dictionary definition of paying dues. owed at present: This bill is due now.; owed at a later time: This bill is due next month.; owing as a moral or na
Dues-paying: Managing the costs of recognitionDues-paying: Managing the costs of recognitiondoi:10.1016/S0007-6813(99)80059-7RobertFordandJohnNewstromSDOSBusiness HorizonsFord, R., & Newstrom, J. 1999. Dues-paying: Managing the costs of recognition. Business Horizons, 42(4): 14 -20.Ford...
pay (one's) dues (redirected frompaying our dues) pay (one's) dues 1. Literally, to pay the requisite fees to enter into or remain in an organization.If you don't pay your dues every month, they will rescind your membership without warning. ...