importtensorflow as tfimportnumpy as npclassDeepQNetwork:#q_eval 网络状态输入参数。q_eval_input =None#q_eval 网络中 q_target 的输入参数。q_eval_target =None#q_eval 网络输出结果。q_eval_output =None#q_eval 网络输出的结果中的最优得分。q_predict =None#q_eval 网络输出的结果中当前选择的动...
强化学习之Deep Q Network (DQN) 导致Q表所占的空间很大,而且搜索速度会变慢,因此将Q-learning与强化学习相结合,用神经网络拟合Q值,会解决Q值矩阵过大的问题。 当环境中的状态数超过现代计算机容量时(Atari游戏有... 方法通过存储-采样的方法将这个关联性打破了。 ②fixed targetq-network:Q值需要Q估计和Q现实两...
摘要 通过优化地铁时刻表可有效降低地铁牵引能耗。为解决客流波动和车辆延误对实际节能率影响的问题,提出列车牵引和供电系统实时潮流计算分析模型和基于Dueling Deep Q Network(Dueling DQN)深度强化学习...展开更多 Subway traction energy consumption can be reduced by optimizing subway timetables.To solve the problem...
Simple Reinforcement learning tutorials, 莫烦Python 中文AI教学 machine-learning tutorial reinforcement-learning q-learning dqn policy-gradient sarsa tensorflow-tutorials a3c deep-q-network ddpg actor-critic asynchronous-advantage-actor-critic double-dqn prioritized-replay sarsa-lambda dueling-dqn deep-determi...
The dual experience pool structure is introduced into the traditional dueling deep Q network structure, and the learning efficiency of the algorithm is improved by the memory-enhanced mechanism, making the learning process of the algorithm more stable. (3) A three-dimensional environment model of ...
3.3. Maneuver Decision Algorithm Based on Dueling Double Deep Q Network with Expert Experience Storage Mechanism Based on D3QN and EESM, a UAV air game maneuver decision algorithm is developed. The comprehensive algorithm framework is illustrated in Figure 7. Figure 7. The comprehensive framework of...
DuelingDQN也是一个比较容易实现的DQN变种,它和DQN的唯一差别,就是Network构造的不同。这种结构上的不同,可以让dueling DQN更快地学习到东西。 如果对DQN还不是很熟悉的话,可以先看一下上两篇: 张斯俊:三维可视化助你直观理解DQN算法[DQN理论篇]521 赞同 · 41 评论文章 ...
A vanilla Deep Q-Network (DQN), Double DQN and Dueling DQN implementation for MountainCar-v0 and CartPole-v0 - ibrahim-elshar/Dueling_Double_DQN
Path Planning Algorithm for Unmanned Sailboat Under Different Wind Fields Based on Dueling Double Deep Q-Learning Network 来自 IEEEXplore 喜欢 0 阅读量: 8 作者:Z Sun,B Yin 摘要: The sailing path of an unmanned sailboat is restricted by the wind direction due to its own design characteristics,...
breakout-Deep-Q-Network 🏃[Reinforcement Learning] tensorflow implementation of Deep Q Network (DQN), Dueling DQN and Double DQN performed on Atari Breakout Game Installation Type the following command to install OpenAI Gym Atari environment. ...