hivesql可运行的sql 在spark上运行报错如下 Error in query: cannot resolve 'coalesce(d.`subarea_duration_l30`, map(NULL, NULL))' due to data type mismatch: input to function coalesce should all be the same type, but it's [map<string,string>, map<null,null>]; line 17 pos 2; hivesql...
报错如下: Error in query: cannot resolve '(av2.`ctime` >= ad_sub_tid.`start_time`)' due to data type mismatch: differing types in '(av2.`ctime` >= ad_sub_tid.`start_time`)' (timestamp and bigint).; line 99 pos 10; 实际上ctime为timestamp类型,而start_time为bigint(long)类型。
{ "error": { "root_cause": [ { "type": "query_shard_exception", "reason": "failed to create query: For input string: \"now-24h\"", "index_uuid": "0pNIe6d3ThumaXBs2XPzag", "index": "jaeger-span-2021-12-23" } ], "type": "search_phase_execution_exception", "reason": ...
Attempting to apply the changes from Power Query results in the error you see at bottom. Thoughts??? Power BI Service Error Details Processing error: The following system error occurred: Type mismatch. Unable to convert a value to the data type requested for table '<pii>...
Even though the source of bug is the mismatch in versions on disk, new added code does not allow any way to proceed with merging these parts. Since parts are stuck - you cannot detach them -DB::Exception: Part all_4900_4900_0 has already been assigned a merge into all_109_4900_1216...
Error due to auto data type change 04-26-2023 03:50 PM I have data in excel and imported the data in powerBI. However, when I refresh the data, I see error in loading the data. Below is the screenshot of my error. It is the error of data type mismatch and I want to...
Incorrect datetime value while importing in to MySQL table Question: Encountering a problem importing a file with extension ". csv file " into a platform of type " MySQL table ". mysql> LOAD DATA INFILE '/var/lib/mysql-files/script_output.csv' ...
When you clear the data type mismatch error, this error massage will disappear. Qingshan Xie on 15 Jun 2020 hi,is there solution for this questeion? I am meeting the same problem; as below, Invalid output port data type. Data type of output port 1 of 'Baseline/Core_Algorithm/Energy...
There was a failure in converting the value of type 'java.lang.String' to the required type 'long'. This resulted in a java.lang.NumberFormatException with the input string being: "". The org.springframework.web.method.annotation.Meth...
data type 'boolean' from "Model Name/Rate Transistion", input port 1. This error message is related to a hidden Rate Transition block. This block is added for block "Model name/Rate Transition" as result of block insertion or expansion. STOP ERROR MESSAGE...