We present a case study of a young mother with a prior medical history of mild to moderate depression who experienced an episode of delirium consequent to a COVID-19 infection. The initial manifestation of her illness was mild diarrhea, but as her condition worsened, sh...
The Stockbridge-Munsee Tribal Council recognizes this tribal community is concerned about a surge in positive COVID-19 infections due to the Delta variant. The recent public health conditions caused by the COVID-19 virus, a communicable disease, require this Community to implement stricter protective...
Overall, pediatric COVID-19 patients accounted for only 0.7% of all COVID-19 admissions in the region. Twochildrenwith possible SARS-CoV-2 related hyper-inflammation were successfully treated during the period. However, it is yet too early to assess whether the national strategy with open school...
COVID-19 pandemicPARENTSPSYCHOLOGICAL factorsCOVID-19PSYCHOLOGICAL distressDuring the current coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) several infection control measures were adopted to prevent its spread, including limitations for hospital visitors. These restrictions also involved parents of newborns admitted...
As the governmental press service explained earlier, the emergency mode does not imply limiting the rights or freedom of Ukrainians. This distinguishes the emergency mode from the state of emergency. As of Wednesday, 113 cases of COVID-19 infection were confirmed in Ukraine. Four of them were ...
MONDAY, Sept. 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- The coronavirus pandemic could cause short-term decreases in life expectancy in many parts of the world, according to a new study. Using a computer model, the researchers concluded that infection rates of only 2% could cause a drop in life expect...
China’s National Health Commission launched a WeChat mini program (see the below graphic) for citizens to check out the infection risk level of a special area, for epidemic personnel to check out the countries and cities visited (staying for more than four hours) by the traveler during the...
I have to admit that I grew tired of endless discussions around COVID with people who deny the proven facts. Yes, there is much uncertainty - as would be expected in a situation that in many ways was unprecedented. But there are also important issues tha
Having apparently given up on curtailing the coronavirus, the federal administration is counting on vaccines and treatments decoupling infection from severe illness enough to prevent the healthcare system from becoming inundated again, said the report. ...
Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, speculations on the decline of major cities have surged, with studies noting temporary population decreases across various cities worldwide. However, research scarcely addresses the pandemic’s enduring influence on percepti