Few concepts have become as prominent in recent international law publications as 'due diligence'. Still, its nature and content remain notably ambiguous. This essay reflects on the main takeaways from recent scholarly debates on due diligence. These takeaways are presented as five propositions that...
Definition of Due diligence in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Due diligence? Meaning of Due diligence as a legal term. What does Due diligence mean in law?
Due Diligence Statement Take a behind-the-scenes look at your business partners. We set out the key facts on due diligence for you. Talk to our experts What is Due Diligence? Due Diligence Meaning or definition of due diligence: the concept of due diligence enshrined in German law refers ...
首先我们分解一下due diligence。这个短语中的due,意思是:合适的,恰当的。比如:driving withduecare,用恰当的小心进行驾驶,即:小心驾驶。而diligence,中文意思是:勤勉。 在法律语境中,due diligence指的是:(为避免伤害他人或其财产而采取的)谨慎态度。比如:I will exercise extreme care anddue diligenc...
The concept of due diligence in Chinese maritime law, while borrowing from international standards, lacks clarity in terms of the extent of responsibility. It involves a mix of subjective and objective factors, with the determination of what constitutes adequate diligence still a matter of...
Few concepts have become as prominent in recent international law publications as 'due diligence'. Still, its nature and content remain notably ambiguous. This essay reflects on the main takeaways from recent scholarly debates on due diligence. These takeaways are presented as five propositions that...
In real estate, US law often mandates due diligence, specifically in the form of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment to identify potential environmental hazards. Civil litigation also recognizes due diligence as a party's effort to avoid harm, a standard of conduct that, if not ...
(to) give the devil his due 根据语境不同,很多方言的说法不一样,有啥说啥,话又说回来了,有一句说一句,等等。 因为due 这个词的意思是“应得之物”。 还有一个公司语境常见的词:due diligence 尽职调查 这里的 due 也是取了“应得、应尽”的意思。...
Legal due diligence is a review and analysis of relevant information about a party and his or her business. Contact Romano Law today!