: having reached the date at which payment is required : payable the rent is due 6 : required or expected in the prescribed, normal, or logical course of events : scheduled The train is due at noon. When is the baby due? also : expected to give birth has a friend who is due ...
Definition of Due Date in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Due Date? Meaning of Due Date as a legal term. What does Due Date mean in law?
The meaning of DUE CORDE is —used as a direction in music (1) to play the same tone on two strings (as of the violin) simultaneously or (2) to release the una corda or soft pedal of the piano.
Definition:Date Due Contract Type Jurisdiction Country Include Keywords Exclude Keywords Additional filters are available in search Open Search Use ofDate Duein a Clause Date Duemeans the date on which fullpayment is dueas specifiedon theoriginal invoice. ...
•The amount anddue datewill beannouncedinadvance.•It was less thansatisfying; and yet as hisdue datenearedhe kept on,sometimesall night.•Aloanstockholderis nothamperedby suchrestrictionsif his loan stock is not paid on thedue date.•My first childarrivedquite quickly on thedue date....
The Proposal shall be valid for a period of not less than 120 days from theProposal Due Date (PDD). No.Customer* (Name, Address, Contact person)Calendar Month & Year of Work Order (MMM, YYYY)Value of Order (INR)Page No. of the Proof Document** *Limit references to the period of ...
Understanding Credit Card Due Dates Credit card due dates refer to the specific date by which your monthly payment must be received by the credit card issuer. It is important to understand these due dates to avoid late payments, which can result in penalty fees and potential damage to your cr...
Learn how to change the due date on your Bank of America credit card and manage your finances more effectively.
How do I know my HDFC credit card billing due date? Credit Card This is issued to a customer by a bank or financial institution. It has a credit limit. Within this limit, a customer can spend money. If a customer fails to repay the money spent, they need to pay interest on it on...
→due date2owedowedto someone either as adebtor because they have a right to itAny money due you will be sent by cheque through the post.due toThanks are due to all those who took part.3moneyif anamountof money isdue, it must be paid at a particular timeThe next income tax payment...