5. The date stamped on the airway bill by the Destination Airport shall be regarded as the actual delivery date of Technical Documentation. 目的地机场在航空提单上的印戳日期视为技术资料实际交付日期。 网络释义 Due Due to Checkout 将离客人; ...
behalf onthedue dateforpayment or delivery thereof in accordance with the [...] tanrich.com tanrich.com [...] 用法律及法規,在付款或交付到期日收到就吾等代表閣下訂立的任何期貨合約或期權合約而需向閣下支 付或交付的任何款項或任何商品的全部或任何部分之交付(不論是來相關交易所及/或結算所及/或任...
athe seller agrees to pay to the buyer an interest at the rate of 1.8% per month for the period from the date on which delivery is due in respect of goods delivered to the date of actual delivery 卖主同意付到买家兴趣以率的1.8%每个月在期间从交付关于物品是交付的被交付到实际交付日期的日子...
The due date is found by adding a constant to the time that the order arrives. This constant value is the constant lead time that a product might expect between time of placing the order and time of delivery. By applying the longest path analysis in queueing networks, we obtain the ...
The due date assignment scheduling problem with the deteriorating jobs and delivery timeThis paper considers the single machine scheduling problem with three different due dates in which the actual processing time of the job is a simple deterioration function of the starting time. The goal is to ...
Thus, the contract reflects penalties of both parts of the sales negotiations: earliness/tardiness penalties of the due-dates (as a function of the deviation from the agreed upon due-window), and earliness/tardiness penalties of the actual delivery times (as a function of the deviation from ...
For a project that you manage, it is very important that you receive deliveries on time. Purchases are handled through the purchasing department of your company, but you want to follow up on deliveries for your project two weeks before the actual delivery date. ...
The majority of doctors and midwives used the Naegele rule to calculate the expected date of delivery. Basically, this rule consisted of adding 7 days to the first day of the last menstrual period, then to 9 months. However, this situation was problematic, as not all months had the same ...
8.FOX [Futures and Options Exchange]期货和期权交易所[ 9.DTB Deutsche Terminborse德国期权及期货交易所 10.options on futures contract期货合约的期权交易 11.Part ( ial ) delivery ( shipment )分期交货、分批交货、分批装运 12.The date of bill of landing shall be the actual date of delivery of ...
behalf onthedue dateforpayment or delivery thereof in accordance with the [...] tanrich.com tanrich.com [...] 用法律及法規,在付款或交付到期日收到就吾等代表閣下訂立的任何期貨合約或期權合約而需向閣下支 付或交付的任何款項或任何商品的全部或任何部分之交付(不論是來相關交易所及/或結算所及/或任...