Ductless mini split air conditioners are also becoming the #1 choice for people replacing their old noisy, bulky and unsafe window AC units. Mini Splits are also a great choice if you're building new room additions or if you're living in small apartments, where extending or installing distrib...
Installers If you are a HVAC contractor / Ductless Mini Split Installer, and would like us to send you referals and list you below - Please email us at contractors@minisplitwarehouse.comLet us know your area of coverage, your HVAC license number and proof of insurance. We will keep you ...
Cost on mini split systems, depending on the brand, can cost more or less than doing a central system in your home, just know that a mini split will pay for itself over time, normally within the first year. While these systems are ideal for some homes, it is important to look into a...