Periductal mastitis/duct ectasia affects major breast ducts and is poorly understood. A variety of different terms have been used for this condition and these probably reflect different stages in one disease process. It appears to be responsible for 1-2% of all symptomatic breast conditions. ...
Define mammary ductal ectasia. mammary ductal ectasia synonyms, mammary ductal ectasia pronunciation, mammary ductal ectasia translation, English dictionary definition of mammary ductal ectasia. adj. Of or relating to a breast or mamma. American Heritage
Related to periductal mastitis:granulomatous mastitis,duct ectasia mas·ti·tis (mă-stī′tĭs) n. Inflammation of a mammary gland or udder, usually caused by infection. mas·tit′ic(-tĭt′ĭk)adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 20...
3). Fibrocystic change is the most frequent hyperplastic breast change, in which apocrine metaplastic cells of the acini produce excess fluid, distending both the TDLU and a portion of the collecting duct and causing ductectasia. If the pleated collecting duct becomes twisted around its own axis...
This paper deals with a disease known under several names: obliterative mastitis, plasma cell mastitis, periductal mastitis, comedomastitis, mammary duct ectasia, which seem to define different stages of the same illness.Out of 67 cases of benign breast diseases recorded in our hospital during a ...
Papilloma alone founded in 40 out of 56 patients (71.4%), papilloma + ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) in six patients (10.7%), papilloma + invasive ductal carcinoma in six patients (10.7%), DCIS in two patients (3.6%) and duct ectasia in two patients (3.6%). Ultrasound‐guided wire ...
text>Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the breast is a very rare and indolent tumor with a favorable prognosis. Breast that harbors ACC can also contain other types of lesion, though rare. In this report, we present a case of breast ACC associated with bilateral mammary duct ectasia, which...
Duct dilatation occurs during breast involution which begins around the age of 35, which conforms to the age distribution of duct dilatation seen in postmortem studies' and of clinically presenting duct ectasia.3 However, the clinical manifestations of periductal mastitis, subareolar abscess and ...
Not only that these benign breast diseases ring a false alarm of cancer, they are also the second most common cause of benign breast diseases. The objective was to study the clinical and microbiological profiles of duct ectasia and periductal mastitis in Indian women for better understanding of ...
Periductal mastitis is a benign mammary duct disease that begins with periductal inflammation and progresses to ductal dilatation with minimal inflammation (ductal ectasia). The clinical and radiographic appearance of this disease can be indistinguishable from carcinoma of the breast.Miller...