The best way to learn and play "DuckTales Remastered: Moon Theme" by Misc Computer Games With MuseScore Premium membership, you get full viewing access to this score, plus access to stream Official Scores licensed by leading print publishers. Get full-featured view access to this score Get ful...
启发时使Ducktales Moon主题发挥作用! 您可以在管弦乐,NES或重新制作的版本之间进行选择!请享用 https://discord.gg/vVbFEhr
Scrooge's signature moves in this game (using his cane like a pogo stick or golf club) and the theme for the Moon level would later be adapted as part of the PatoAventuras (2017) reboot. Citas [repeated line] Launchpad: You want a lift back to Duckburg, Mr. McD? Conexiones Featured...
The Duck Tales theme song is present on the title screen, but different tunes fill Scrooge's adventure. All of them are pleasant, but none remarkable. Nobody would ask for the soundtrack album. The music doesn't call much attention to it. To sum it up, they are a good accessory for...
I was smiling and bobbing my head to the classic DuckTales theme, unable to hold back the obligatory “woo-oo!” as the retouched 8-bit melody teleported me back to the summer of '96. The hand drawn sprites are beautifully done, endearingly emotive, and uniquely Disney. The 2.5D sets ...
So part of me wonders if The Moon is going to play a big part in the whole Della Duck myth arc via the Spear of Selene. It's certainly a place that's got a lot of cache with people who know Ducktales prior to this but I wonder if that's a little too inside baseball. # ?
Scrooge's signature moves in this game (using his cane like a pogo stick or golf club) and the theme for the Moon level would later be adapted as part of the La Bande à Picsou (2017) reboot. Citations [repeated line] Launchpad: You want a lift back to Duckburg, Mr. McD? Connexi...