Though there has been concept art of the Iron Vulture... # ? Aug 14, 2017 17:08 Profile Post History Rap Sheet Acebuckeye13 Nov 2, 2010 PRAISE THE SUN Ultra Carp It wasn't perfect, but I definitely enjoyed the premiere. Not only were there some solid jokes ("Lying, it's th...
bringing him back the following year for “The Old Castle’s Secret.” The concept of McDuck recruiting Donald and his nephews to look for treasure started here when they joined together to seek a fortune hidden in Dismal Downs, the McDuck ...
【Concept Art of Isabella“I.F.”Finch】(灵感来自Ducktales中的同名探险家虚拟人物) 1回复赞 psv吧 璐村惂鐢ㄦ埛_08JESRR馃惥 pc崛起,话说为啥又没小v?将经典横向动作游戏以高画质重制方式再次于现今多种游戏平台推出的《唐老鸭俱乐部重制版(DuckTalesed)》,近日正式揭晓了开放贩售的日程,PS3、Wii U及PC的...