* 是 LaunchBar 自定义搜索引擎中代表关键词部分的占位符,对应的占位符在 Alfred 中是 {query},在 ...
The API is accessed through the following endpoint: /search?engine=duckduckgo.A user may query the following: https://serpapi.com/search?engine=duckduckgo utilizing a GET request. Head to the playground for a live and interactive demo.
To consume it yourself, you can use one of the language libraries listed below or simply add '&format=json' (or xml if you have a death wish) onto any query URL in the api subdomain, e.g. http://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=DuckDuckGo&format=json " Now we just choose python since it ...
| File "H:\xiemignwei\01GPT\03Langchain_Chatchat\server\chat\search_engine_chat.py", line 164, in search_engine_chat_iterator | docs = await lookup_search_engine(query, search_engine_name, top_k, split_result=split_result) | ^^^ | File "H:\xiemignwei\01GPT\03Langchain_Chatchat\...
_duckDuckGoEngine:asyncfunction(query){ this.super.introspect( `${this.caller}: Using DuckDuckGo to search for "${ query.length>100?`${query.slice(0,100)}...`:query }"` ); constsearchURL=newURL("https://html.duckduckgo.com/html"); ...
https://www.google.com/search?q=* 换成了: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=!g%20* 其中,%20是 URL 编码中表达空格的方式,*是 LaunchBar 自定义搜索引擎中代表关键词部分的占位符,对应的占位符在 Alfred 中是{query},在 iOS 上的 Pin 中则是%@。
When unsure what the value should be, visit DuckDuckGo Maps, search for a query in a desired location, and copy a value from the URL.Parameter can't be used with lat and lon parameters. lat Optional Defines a GPS latitude for the search origin.Parameter is required when using lon ...