这些 Privacy Essentials 可以共同使更多隐私成为你的默认设置。 功能亮点 • 将 DuckDuckGo 设为默认搜索引擎——安装后,我们会将你的默认搜索引擎和主页设置为 DuckDuckGo 搜索,以便你在不被跟踪的情况下启动互联网搜索。 • 避免加载网站跟踪程序——自动阻止大多数隐藏跟踪程序(第三方脚本)加载,从而防止公司收集...
Privacy > GET requests:默认为开启。如果关闭,DuckDuckGo 将使用 HTTP 中的 POST 方法而非 GET 方法...
Privacy > GET requests:默认为开启。如果关闭,DuckDuckGo 将使用 HTTP 中的 POST 方法而非 GET 方法...
就目前 DuckDuckGo 的增长趋势来看,它也被认为是谷歌最好的替代品。 参考链接: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/technology/privacy-focused-search-engine-duckduckgo-grew-by-46-percent-in-2021/
DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine that allows users to search the internet without tracking their personal information or search history.
Questions or help with the search engine Seehelp pages. 简介 DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials 是一个为浏览器提供简单且无缝隐私保护的浏览器扩展 暂无标签 https://www.oschina.net/p/duckduckgo+privacy+essentials JavaScript等 5 种语言 Apache-2.0
DuckDuckGo Privacy Extensions is distributed under the Apache 2.0License. Latest Versions Firefox Chrome Edge Opera Safari The code for the Safari extension is an Xcode project which you can findhere. The Safari extension can be installed from theApp Store. ...
“Before today, if you want to exercise your privacy rights, you have to go from website to website and change all your settings,” says Gabriel Weinberg, CEO ofDuckDuckGo, the privacy-focused search engine. That new standard, calledGlobal Privacy Control, lets users set a single setting in...
参考来源: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/technology/privacy-focused-search-engine-duckduckgo-grew-by-46-percent-in-2021/ 本文为 Zicheng 独立观点,未经允许不得转载,授权请联系FreeBuf客服小蜜蜂,微信:freebee2022 被以下专辑收录,发现更多精彩内容 + 收入我的专辑 + 加入我的收藏 相关...