DuckDuckGo is a silly name, possibly based on the duck, duck, goose game. Even the developers of the so knighted search engine admit as much. But under this seemingly simple and somewhat unprofessional moniker lurks a very powerful, refreshing and unique search engine. We checked. ...
初见DuckDuckGo 的人恐怕都会第一眼被它那古怪的 logo 所吸引:一只鸭子傻乎乎地张着大嘴,挂着一副人畜无害的表情,两撮鸭毛在头顶戏谑地翘起,脖子上不合时宜地挂着一副与红色背景格格不入的绿色领结。这样一副似乎是从搞笑漫画中走出来的形象,与页面下方那句严肃的标语「The search engine that doesn't track y...
DuckDuckGo still makes money from advertising -- it just doesn't use targeted ads. The search engine shows you ads based on the keywords you search for, which aren't connected to your personal data like your browsing or purchase history. Essentially, you'll only see ads for ...
这样一副似乎是从搞笑漫画中走出来的形象,与页面下方那句严肃的标语「The search engine that doesn't track you(不会追踪你的搜索引擎)」形成了鲜明的对比——这只鸭子真的没有跑错片场吗? DuckDuckGo 创立于 2008 年,创始人是毕业于麻省理工的 Gabriel Weinberg。谈到这个奇怪的网站名字,Weinberg 表示是受启发于...
Build a debug version and install it on a simulator or device. Select the Instruments target and run it on a Mac. A new instance of the Instruments app will run. It will have a grayed out icon indicating that it works in debug mode with custom instruments attached. Select the 'DDG Trac...
One example of a !bang command is “!w” which takes users directly to Wikipedia. This command can be used to search for information on a variety of topics, such as historical events, celebrities, sports teams, and more. You can also quickly search for images with the “!i” command. ...
anyhow any search engine is using some kind of AI for some time. you can see the foot notes where search engines give hints to similar searches (in DDG its on the right side if) DDG need gpt/AI otherwise it is left behind and users go back to bing or google. some people for reason...
DuckDuckGo 其实是在调用各大搜索引擎的搜索函数开放接口 (Search API)。所以,TechCrunck 把 DuckDuckGo 称为一个组合搜索引擎(“Hybrid” Search Engine)。但现在,它也提供自己的内容,有点类似 Mahalo,Kosmix 和 SearchMe。 DuckDuckGo 被 Read Write Web 网站的 Fredric Lardinois 称为有点傻(Silly)。Weinberg 解...
Indie Search Engine DuckDuckGo Buys Billboard To Bash Google On Privacy (And Get Attention)PascalEmmanuel Gobry
Weinberg has a B.S. in Physics and an M.S. in Technology and Policy from MIT. The project was initially self-funded by Weinberg and is now occasionally advertising-supported. The search engine is written in Perl and runs on nginx and FreeBSD. 展开 关键词:...