DuckDuckGo App,是一款保护个人隐私的搜索引擎;隐私保护,化繁为简,保密搜索、浏览、发送电子邮件等;Private Search,匿名搜索,我们绝对不会跟踪你;Website Protection,在数百万个网站上屏蔽隐藏的跟踪程序;Email Protection,防止你收到的电子邮件跟踪你;App Tracking Protection,日夜屏蔽隐藏的应用跟踪程序;SmarterEncryption...
duckduckgo搜索引擎又叫做duckduckgo浏览器是一款专注保护用户隐私的一款私密浏览器。该款浏览器主要基于各大搜索服务商的APIs来提供浏览服务,包括Yahoo! Search BOSS等。使用这款浏览器时,用户的UA、IP地址、搜索行为等数据都不会被记录,有效的确保了用户的安全与隐私。该软件还提供了Tor的跳出节点,让浏览器在速度较慢...
duckduckgo搜索引擎致力于维护用户隐私安全的浏览器,通过利用Yahoo! Search BOSS等大型搜索引擎的APIs,向用户提供搜索服务。同时该软件不会记录用户的UA、IP地址、搜索习惯等敏感信息,保障了极高的安全性。 其内置的Tor跳出节点,即便在Tor匿名网络速度较慢的情况下,也能实现快速且安全的网页访问。此外,duckduckgo搜索引擎...
Even the developers of the so knighted search engine admit as much. But under this seemingly simple and somewhat unprofessional moniker lurks a very powerful, refreshing and unique search engine. We checked. My interest in DuckDuckGo (DDG) soared from cute and unique to valuable and accurate ...
商标名称 DUCKDUCKGO SEARCH 国际分类 第42类-网站服务 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 32464256 申请日期 2018-07-25 申请人名称(中文) 惠州市普良网络科技有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省惠州市大亚湾西区龙海二路36号东部阳光花园20栋一单元312号房 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期...
General > Safe Search:即其他搜索引擎中的结果过滤,默认为 Moderate(适中),可按需调为严格或关闭。
DuckDuckGo is a privacy-focused search engine that allows users to search the internet without tracking their personal information or search history.
Top three search engines on one Web Site, search all three, Google Bing and DuckDuckGo. With popular videos and headline news for sports, technology entertainment and business.
With smartphone users nervous about their handset being a conduit for espionage and looking for a search engine that doesn't share information, one might say that DuckDuck Go Search & Stories fits the bill (but only if one had a penchant for corny puns);