DuckDNS Windows Client by XWolfOverride A simple DuckDNS updater for Windows in C# This updater tries to be easy to use and ready for advanced users. Download on the Releases page. Easy mode Initial screen. The first time the updater opens shows this screen where you can set the token an...
DuckDns Updater is a Windows tray application that allows you to keep your dynamic hostname’s IP address up-to-date (and in sync) with DuckDns DNS service. - lntel-lntel/DuckDNSClient
Windows MIPS32 platform To compile binaries for MIPS (mips or mipsle), run: GOOS=linux GOARCH=mips/mipsle GOMIPS=softfloat go build -a The binary can run on routers as well. Pre-conditions To use GoDNS, it is assumed: You registered (now own) a domain Domain was delegated to a ...
You'll likely need root though. I tested this on my phone (which has root), so I'm not 100% sure but it probably doesn't work without. It also doesn't seem to work when cross-compiling from Windows to Android, but when compiling directly on the device it's used on it works. ...
Download from releases Features Support Linux, macOS, and Windows. Easy setup with seamless login Autostart when booting Lightweight: just 2MB Always available in tray menu Efficient resource usage: Minimizes CPU and RAM when in trayAboutCross platform dynamic DNS updater for Topics...
Using the following tasks you add an A record to Zone's Scope named "external" - name: Create database server record name: "" type: "A" value: "" zone: "" ...
dnscat2> windows 0 :: main [active] dns1 :: DNS Driver running on domains = [*] You'll note that there are two windows - window 0 is the main window, and window dns1 is the listener (technically referred to as the 'tunnel driver')....
DuckDns Updater is a Windows tray application that allows you to keep your dynamic hostname’s IP address up-to-date (and in sync) with DuckDns DNS service. - JozefJarosciak/DuckDNSClient
You'll likely need root though. I tested this on my phone (which has root), so I'm not 100% sure but it probably doesn't work without. It also doesn't seem to work when cross-compiling from Windows to Android, but when compiling directly on the device it's used on it works. St...
duckdns.yaml.sample Initial commit Jan 27, 2018 glide.yaml made the windows terminal lib a hard dep Oct 6, 2018 go.mod Updates to attempt to fix builds Sep 10, 2020 go.sum Updates to attempt to fix builds Sep 10, 2020 main.go Updates to attempt to fix builds Sep 10, 2020 ...