Duck DNS 将自己的公网ip输入到current ip,然后点击update ip,如果有ipv6地址,则把ipv6地址填入ipv6,然后点击update ipv6。 创建Docker网络 Docker默认的网络(就是我们在unraid中配置容器时选择的Network Type)不支持容器间的DNS服务,也就是说,从一个容器访问另一个容器必须指明另一个容器的ip地址(例如172.17.0.11...
🦆 Automatic Duck DNS IP Address Updates in Docker dockerautomationdocker-imageduckdns UpdatedMar 29, 2024 Shell IPV6 enabled DDNS client for ESP8266 and ESP32. dnsarduinoesp8266esp32arduino-libraryduckdns UpdatedMar 1, 2025 C++ A simple console application that keeps your DDNS Entry on DuckD... 曾经是我用过一段时间的,但是要求每个月得去它网站上点点,挺讨厌这个要求 如果有 Synology NAS 的话不少 DDNS 可以直接通过其 UI 配置,DuckDNS 需要使用 Custom Provider,然后把 DuckDNS 提供的那一个 HTTP 请求按照说明贴进去就好了。如果有个 Raspberry PI 之类的,直接通过 cronjob 调用 curl 之...
Fully automatic script to update the ipv6 address on DuckDNS. - Commits · SP4RKiOP/AutoIPV6forDuckDNS
Dont set IPv4 / IPv6 in duckdns request if config is unset 1.12.2 Rely on bashio to handle empty IPv4 / IPv6 1.12.1 Clean up dehydrated lock file at start also if no live cert exists 1.12.0 Add option to specify a service or URL as IPv4 and IPv6 address source Add DNS ali...
Option:ipv6(optional) By default, Duck DNS will auto detect your IPv6 address and use that. This option allows you to override the auto-detection and specify an IPv6 address manually. If you specify a URL here, contents of the resource it points to will be fetched and used as...
-`"ip_version"`can be`ipv4`(A records) or`ipv6`(AAAA records), defaults to`ipv4 or ipv6` -`"provider_ip"`can be set to`true`to let your DNS provider determine your IPv4 address (and/orIPv6 address) automatically when you send an update request, without sending the new IP address...
A free DuckDNS account is limited to five subdomains. At time of writing, Duck DNS' own IPv6 autodetection does not actually work, but you can use the URL option for ipv6 to get around this, read on.SupportGot questions?You have several options to get them answered:The...
sudo docker run --name=duckdns -d -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime -v /config/dir/path:/config -e DOMAINS=<domains> -e TOKEN=<token> -e INTERVAL=<interval> -e IPV6=<yes or no> coppit/duckdns The second mode is with a config file. To create a template config file, run: ...
This option allows you to override the auto-detection and specify an IPv6 address manually.If you specify a URL here, contents of the resource it points to will be fetched and used as the address. This enables getting the address using a service like or https:/...