4) antibody against duck plague virus 鸭瘟病毒抗体 5) Goose Parvoviruses 番鸭小鹅瘟病毒 6) DNA of duck plague virus 鸭瘟病毒-DNA(DPV-DNA) 补充资料:稻瘟病 由稻梨孢 (Piricularia oryzae) 真菌引起的一种水稻病害。又称稻热病。病菌侵染叶片、茎秆、穗颈、小穗梗和谷粒。根据受害时期和侵染部位不同...
5) antibody against duck plague virus 鸭瘟病毒抗体6) Goose Parvoviruses 番鸭小鹅瘟病毒补充资料:毒芹 毒芹学名:ConiumMaculatum科名:伞形科Umbelliferae 毒芹Cicutavirosa属种:Cicutavirosa属名:毒芹属(钩吻叶芹属)Cicuta科名:伞形科Umbelliferae属种名定名:CicutavirosaL.[形态特征与分布] 多年生草本,高50-...
Goose parvovirus infection (goose viral hepatitis, Derzsy's disease) Parvoviridae Dependovirus Highly contagious disease in young geese less than 4 weeks old and Muscovy ducklings, serofibrinous pericarditis, perihepatitis and excess fluid in abdominal cavity Gross and histopathology, PCR, virus isolatio...
16.Development of a multiplex PCR assay for detection of goose parvovirus and duck plague virus鹅细小病毒和鸭瘟病毒复合PCR检测方法的建立 17.Study on Dynamic Distribution in Ducks and the Ablity to Anti Duck Plague Virus with Expressive Product in Vitro of DuIFN-α Gene Vaccine;鸭α-干扰素核酸疫...
Short beak and dwarfism syndrome virus (SBDSV) is a newly emerging distinct duck-origin goose parvovirus that belongs to the genus Dependovirus. Our previous studies have found that SBDSV was highly pathogenic to Cherry Valley ducklings and mule ducklings. However, little is known about its ...
Related to Duck virus enteritis:Duck plague duck1 (dŭk) n. 1.Any of various wild or domesticated waterbirds of the family Anatidae, characteristically having a broad flat bill, short legs, and webbed feet. 2.A female duck. 3.The flesh of a duck used as food. ...
(below the branches). As the sequence of duck pegivirus is currently not available, goose pegivirus was used to construct theevolutionary tree. One thousand replicates of bootstrap tests were used for the statistics of thetree, and bootstrap values less than 70% were excluded. Six viral ...
Duck Duck Goose Duck duck gray duck Duck duck grey duck Duck Dynasty duck embryo origin vaccine duck embryo virus Duck face Duck Farm, Inc. duck gait duck hawk duck hawk duck hawks duck hawks Duck Head Jeans Company duck hepatitis duck hepatitis duck hepatitis Duck hepatitis B virus ▼ Comple...
A goose is another type of waterfowl but is much larger than a duck. A Canadian goose measures between 2.5 to 3.6 feet long and weighs from 7.1 to 14 pounds! These birds have a few ways to protect themselves from predators. A wild duck with the ability to fly may be able to escape ...
1.Expression of the recombinant capsid protein of goose circovirus in E.coli system;鹅圆环病毒重组核衣壳蛋白的原核表达 2.Cloning and prokaryotic expression of the △Cap gene of pigeon circovirus isolated from Zhejiang province;鸽圆环病毒浙江株△Cap基因的克隆与原核表达 3.Research Progess of Molecule...