母鸭a female duck 3. [u] 鸭肉meat from a duck 4. [c][ususing] (informal) (表示友好的称呼)乖乖,宝贝儿a friendly way of addressing sb 5. [sing] 零分a batsman's score of zero IDM get/have (all) your ducks in a row 为某事做充分准备;把事情安排得井井有条to have made all the...
大小写变形:Duck 词态变化 复数:ducks; 第三人称单数:ducks; 过去式:ducked; 过去分词:ducked; 现在分词:ducking; 实用场景例句 全部 鸭子 野鸭 鸭肉 零分 躲避 回避 潜入 The government isduckingthe issue. 政府在回避这个问题。 牛津词典 The kids wereduckingeach other in the pool. ...
Making sure the things that matter most to you make it through your next move is what we do best. Let Duck®move the things that move you. And get them there safely. View All 4 Ways to Pack Fragile Items During a move, not all valuables are created equal. Yes, that coffee maker ...
Natural and deep frozen fresh,Duckfor dogsis an alternative to dog food that you could prepare yourself, but withtime savedand abalanced dietto boot! Dog food that draws inspiration from nature,Duckprovides everything that dogs of all ages and breeds need to lead a healthy life. ...
duck指把头伸进水中,或指游泳时开玩笑地把一个人的头按入水中。 plunge暗示迅速而有力的动作,但浸入不一定很深。 submerge指长时间的完全浸入、潜入,强调浸入液体深层。 英语解释 submerge or plunge suddenly dip into a liquid (cricket) a score of nothing by a batsman ...
小时候看到河里的鸭子都是不自觉地哼起《数鸭子》,今天我们一起来认识一下“duck”这个词吧。 1、Duck n.鸭;母鸭;鸭肉 v.低下头,弯下身(以免被打中或看见);躲闪;躲避;迅速行进,飞快行走(以免被看见) 例句: Chickens and ducks scratch around the outbuildings. ...
Celebrate this Month with Fun and Easy Crafts from Duck Brand® Get Crafting Tidy up with Duck® Brand Easy Organization Projects to Tackle Today Get Organized 25 years of Stuck At Prom® It's back! Save the date for the annual Stuck at Prom® Scholarship Contest, Enter March 26...
The meaning of DUCK is any of various swimming birds (family Anatidae, the duck family) in which the neck and legs are short, the feet typically webbed, the bill often broad and flat, and the sexes usually different from each other in plumage —often use
to avoid or evade (a blow, unpleasant task, etc.);dodge:to duck an embarrassing question. to duck a hard right; to duck an embarrassing question. to plunge or dip in water momentarily. Cards Informal.to play a card lower than (the card led). ...