Dubuque County property tax hike approved; Mental-health costs and fuel expenses prompt the increaseEMILY KLEIN
DUBUQUE, Iowa (AP) — The University of Dubuque has bought 121 acres in northern Dubuque County that it plans to keep in its native state and use for education and research, officials said.
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Dubuque County property taxes to riseMICHAEL SCHMIDT
Dubuque County Property TransfersMedia, Th
Dubuque Historical Society honors property owners; 5 Dubuque County structures chosen for preservation effortsTH STAFF
Dubuque County Extension asks for budget boost; Passage of the measure would raise property taxes $3.66 on a $150,000 home and $8.74 on a 160-acre farmEMILY KLEIN
Budget crunch forces county to work with less; Property tax rate will drop: Dubuque County expects expenditures to fall more than $5 millionJOHN EVERLY
Dubuque County budget features jail project; Hearing: Property taxes are slated to rise 12 cents per $1,000 valuationJOHN EVERLY