Dublin is one of Europe's smaller capital cities,but it has an outsized number of places to see.Here's a decent sampling of the great attractions that await when you come to Dublin to play.National Gallery of IrelandIreland is a country known for its literary contributions,but don't overl...
Dublin, Ireland The National Gallery of Ireland houses the National Collection of European and Irish Fine Art and has evolved over 150 years through a number of significant alterations and expansions. The refurbishment of the historic wings is part of an overall master plan that aims to develop ...
Dublin, Ireland The National Gallery of Ireland houses the National Collection of European and Irish Fine Art and has evolved over 150 years through a number of significant alterations and expansions. The masterplan guides the development of the Gallery bringing together its various wings into a cohe...
National Gallery of Ireland,据说它家的油画收藏享誉 欧洲 ~~ 这个美术馆是免费的,连导览也是免费的……不过只有英文的…… 都柏林 进大门后首先看到的,便是关于手的艺术展…… 博物馆有好几层,内部不允许拍照,有很多作品是和宗教有关的,确实有很多精品…… 可惜本人比较画盲,不太搞得清画家的名字,我最想看...
National Gallery of Ireland Things to see & doMuseums Chester Beatty Things to do Skip the list See all Load previous cards Load next cards World of Illusion Things to see & doCity tours The Little Museum of Dublin: Official Walk of Shame Tour ...
Showcasing what's on in Dublin art galleries and museums. Be updated on what exhibitions are currently on in Ireland's capital city.
National Gallery of Ireland Dublin Attraction The Pig's Ear Restaurant Dublin 1 miles An emerald wonderland St Stephen's Green Step through Fusilier's Arch, and into the leafy city park ofSt Stephen's Green.It may surprise you to know that until 1663, this idyllic spot was just a marshy...
"bog bodyexhibit in the gold gallery"(3 Tips) "Free entry to amazingbog menand Celtic gold!"(2 Tips) See what your friends are saying about National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they’ve...
Sunset view of the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin Outside the museum’s Gallery’s Clare Street entrance, there is a life-size bronze statue of George Bernard Shaw created by Russian artist, Paolo Troubetzkoy. George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright and political activist, who wrote ...
National Gallery of Ireland Entrance to The National Gallery of Ireland is complimentary. The art collection consists of some 2,500 paintings and about 10,000 other works in different kinds. Significant Irish work consists of that of Jack B. Yeats (the sibling of William Butler) and of Louis...