“fatal shooting”, “gun” + “inquest” etc. Most major newspapers also compiled a list of all murders that took place in the year which was published in December or January. This was a very useful tool.
County Council in April this year. Under the plans, the units will be available for both sale and rent to people aged 65 and over, and for the provision of social housing for older people on the local authority housing list. About 12 of the units will be allocated to me...
In its draft decision on Thursday, the IAA said it does not have any power to amend or revoke planning conditions, “which are all matters to be determined by the planning authorities, such as Fingal County Council”. However, it said that if the 25.2 million seat capacity limit i...
(Ireland), Minister for Housing Local Government and Heritage, Minister of State at the Department of Social Protection, Minority Government, Monaghan County Council, Mullaghbawn, National School (Ireland), Oireachtas, Parliamentary Group, Pat Rabbitte, Politician, President of Ireland, Public Accounts...
Doolan Canyon is a virtually pristine open space located on east of Dublin – think of between Dublin Ranch housing area, and Costco in Livermore. There are proposals to turn that area into more and more housing, which destroys this natural area, and raises the question on what is the need...
Willie Darcy and a local milkman to get down on the ground. The hitman shot Travers in the chest at close range and fired at least three more times into his body when he fell to the ground. The two men jumped on a motorbike and escaped from the scene through neighbouring housing ...
List of University College Dublin people 参考文献 ^ About UCD - University College Dublin ^About NUI - Constituent Universities ^The development of the Ballymun housing scheme, Dublin, 1965-1969,Sinéad Power, Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh ...
11 Traveller Sites Proposed for South Dublin ; Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Includes Mount Anville Site for HousingGartland, Fiona
was involved in an absurdly long list of shootings, stabbings, hatchet-attacks, house robberies, larceny, pimping and various other illegal enterprises. I’ve also dipped into the emergence of the city’smodern drugs culturein the 1960s and 1970s and theexperience of Dublinduring the conflict ...
was involved in an absurdly long list of shootings, stabbings, hatchet-attacks, house robberies, larceny, pimping and various other illegal enterprises. I’ve also dipped into the emergence of the city’smodern drugs culturein the 1960s and 1970s and theexperience of Dublinduring the conflict ...