The state’s case was represented by Martin Maguire Senior Counsel (SC) and Walter Molony who admitted there was nothing to justify a charge of deliberate killing. After an absence of ten minutes, the jury at the Circuit Criminal Court acquitted Dowling on 08 July 1939 of the manslaughter and...
Mary Irvine, Irishjudgewho is the President of the IrishHigh Courtbetween 2020 and 2022, is born on December 10, 1956, inClontarf, Dublin. She first practiced as abarrister. She is a judge of the High Court between 2007 and 2014, a judge of theCourt of Appealfrom 2014 to 2019 and se...
The state’s case was represented by Martin Maguire Senior Counsel (SC) and Walter Molony who admitted there was nothing to justify a charge of deliberate killing. After an absence of ten minutes, the jury at the Circuit Criminal Court acquitted Dowling on 08 July 1939 of the manslaughter and...