启德教育在线咨询 爱尔兰都柏林商学院(Dublin Business School)的地址是International Department Dublin Business School 13/14 Aungier Street, Dublin, Ireland。该学院位于爱尔兰首都都柏林市中心,是经爱尔兰教育部认可、外交部推荐的学校,非常适合国际学生就读。
Address: Dublin Business School, 13-14 Aungier Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: +353 1 4177500 Email: International@dbs.ie Website www.dbs.ie Why study at Dublin Business School? Dublin Business School is Ireland’s largest independent third-level college. It offer...
A number of the colleges undergraduate degrees are recognized by the Teaching Council of Ireland for purposes of post primary school teaching.DublinNature
都柏林商学院(Dublin Business School,Ireland) 都柏林商学院(Dublin Business School,以下简称DBS)位于爱尔兰共和国的首都--都柏林,自1975年创校以来,为来自世界各地的学生开设范围广泛的大学、研究所及专业教育课程,目前已发展成为全爱尔兰规模最大的独立院校。
搜尋靠近Dublin Business School學生公寓,Dublin Business School租屋優惠,提供Dublin Business School最適合你的留學宿舍。STUDENT.COM學旅家為你提供專業的留學住宿租屋資訊、預訂服務, 讓你無後顧之憂!
都柏林城市大学DCU:Home - DCU Business School - Explore Our Programmes 其前身为1975年建立于国立高等教育学院(Foras Náisiúnta um Ard-Oideachas)都柏林分校。 2022年,DCU的毕业生收入位列爱尔兰第一。超过都柏林大学,都柏林圣三一学院毕业生 DCU毕业生在完成学业十年后的收入也是最高的,平均周薪为1140欧元,即...
KEDGE Business School United Kingdom 7.Msc Strategic Marketing Imperial College London - Imperial College Buisness School Ireland 8.Master of Science in E-Commerce (Business) Dublin City University - DCU Business School France 9.Mastère Spé...
The UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School is Ireland’s leading business school and research centre and one of 25 schools worldwide to hold triple accreditation from the US, Europe and the UK accrediting bodies. There is a wide range of programmes on offer, inclu...
Ireland 22. Management (Aviation Leadership) Dublin City University - DCU Business School U.S.A. 23. Service Leadership & Innovation MS Rochester Institute of Technology China 24. MBA - Strategy and Leadership Tsinghua University Australia 25. Master of Business -...
Waterford Institute of Technology——沃特福德理工学院 Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design, and Technology——邓莱里文艺理工学院 其它高等教育机构 Griffith College——格里菲斯学院 National College of Ireland——爱尔兰国家学院 Dublin Business School——都柏林商学院...