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Today 1 AED to PKR conversion rate is PKR 78.19 in the Interbank exchange rate as an official rate by the State Bank of Pakistan. U.A.E Dirham to PKR buying and selling rates are different in interbank and currency exchange or open market rates. U.A.E Dirham ...
Today 1 AED to PKR conversion rate is PKR 61.18 in Interbank exchange rate as an official rate by State Bank of Pakistan. U.A.E Dirham to PKR buying and selling rates are different in inter bank and currency exchange or open market rates. U.A.E Dirham to Pakistani Rupee has incre...
Discover Sharaf Exchange, the top currency exchange company in Dubai. Trusted for competitive rates, secure transactions, and exceptional customer service.
Currency The name of the currency in Dubai and theUnited Arab Emiratesis the dirham (AED or Arab Emirate Dirham – also commonly abbreviated to Dhs or DH). There are 100 fils in a dirham. Notes come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 dirhams. The writing...
Khaleej times gives you today's gold price and exchange rate in Dubai, UAE. Find here silver rate, draft rates, Forex Rate, Indian currency rate, remittance rate.