Dubai Police and Dubai Public Prosecution case file search To find details of police reports, court cases, and public prosecution records, try the Dubai Public Prosecution website,, and click on either "Inquiry by case number" or "Inquiry by report number" under E-services...
HOW CAN I MAKE A DUBAI PUBLIC PROSECUTION CASE INQUIRY? Inquiries can be made in person during working hours, via the official website, official app and via SMS. WHAT IS THE DUBAI PUBLIC PROSECUTION CONTACT NUMBER? You can call at +971-4-334-6666. Another alternative is to use the live...
Visit the OfficialDubai Police Website Go to the “Traffic Services” tab and select “Fines Inquiry and Payments”. Hit the green ‘Access Service’ button Enter your details (licence number or number plate information) Check the black points on your licence in Dubai. You can access all info...
intellectual property and all your legal problems. our law firm business lawyers are experts in dealing with all sorts of commercial legal issues. contact form kindly write your inquiry below and we will get back to you shortly. name email number message send contact information office address off...
In the Primary Years Programme (PYP) students study Language Arts, Mathematics, Arabic A and B, Unit of Inquiry (Social Studies, Science, Expressive Arts), Moral Education, UAE Social Studies, Music, Art, PE, Swimming, French, Spanish, Islamic A and B, Maths, Literacy Interventions, and St...
Wind towers also have social facets. The number and location of wind towers in the house define the importance of the rooms beneath them. A room with a wind tower is mainly used by the elderly or the head of the house. Wind towers also offer a space for family members to enjoy their ...
在宰牲节假期来临之际,迪拜推出了为期一天的限时特惠活动,商品折扣高达90%。 迪拜夏季惊喜 (DSS) 闪购活动将于7月19日(星期一)在各大商场举行,此次促销活动将有100多个品牌参与。 组织者表示,一年一度的超级特惠活动备受大众期待,时尚必需品、衣服和新款小玩意最受欢迎。