Search our database of business activities Explore your company’s main activity Filters Search Loading... PreviousNext Download Table Explore OurDiverse License Types DWTC Authority offers seven distinct company licenses, ranging from commercial, professional and general trading licenses to specific license...
Department of Economic Development (DED) or relevant free zone authority, authorizing businesses to operate legally. It specifies your business activities and is essential for opening bank accounts, hiring employees, and signing contracts. License types include commercial, industrial, and professional ...
Search E - Services Lineup Opseon e-service marketing portal for uae insurance services, medical insurance, health insurance, pcr testing, office space for rent, company formation services, translation services, ejari for commercial dubai license, ejari typing center dubai, ejari tenancy contract, ...
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We also have Online Lawyers in Dubai who specialize in commercial, criminal, corporate, and civil law. We are responsible for handling routine business matters and more complex subjects with equal skills and strategies. We believe and strive to serve you with the highest possible level of care,...
the industrial license; the commercial license; the professional license. These aregeneral licenseswhich need to be obtained no matter where the company is registered. Apart from these, for other activities, such as import and export, special licenses must be obtained. ...
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Visa & Business office is one of the best places I have dealt with for obtaining commercial licenses. They provided excellent customer service, and the procedures were fast and easy. Hala Almajnouna Founder, Blue Projects-KSA Begin Your Journey to Success Feel free to reach out to us if you...
you'll be able to enter Dubai on your passport, without the need for an entry permit); your original medical check-up document; a copy of the valid commercial license and copy of the valid establishment card (get these from your work) and an original receipt from the Ministry of Labour ...
Commercial Contracts Business setup dubai provides legal drafting services and documentation services for clients.We realize that this is a fundamental piece of the everyday work of a legal lawyer. Read More.. Business setup in Dubai & UAE plans ...